Star Wars Holiday Special

The “Star Wars Holiday Special” Should Only Be Watched As Punishment, Says Mark Hamill Movies

The “Star Wars Holiday Special” Should Only Be Watched As Punishment, Says Mark Hamill

Mark Hamill believes the Star Wars Holiday Special should only be watched as a form of punishment, and although we know he’s being sarcastic, the thought of actually being forced to watch the special on repeat does feel slightly terrifying. If you happen to follow Mark Hamill on Twitter, you’ll know the beloved actor is […]

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Life Lessons Learned While Watching The “Star Wars’ Holiday Special” Movies

Life Lessons Learned While Watching The “Star Wars’ Holiday Special”

The holidays are over and the New Year has begun. Many resolutions have been made, many have already been broken. The point is that it’s time to improve and move forward. This time of year has also come in tandem with the release of a new Star Wars movie, and unless you live under a […]

Read More about Life Lessons Learned While Watching The “Star Wars’ Holiday Special”

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