The Dark Knight

Things You Might Not Know About Christian Bale Movies

Things You Might Not Know About Christian Bale

In Hollywood, it’s rare for child actors to sustain career success into adulthood; it’s rarer still for one to become a defining talent of his generation. Since his breakthrough role at the age of 13 in Steven Spielberg’s Empire of the Sun, Christian Bale has been one of the film industry’s go-to leading men. While […]

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8 minute read

Unexpected Movie Cliffhangers That Left Us Hanging Movies

Unexpected Movie Cliffhangers That Left Us Hanging

Cliffhanger endings, in which a story concludes without a true resolution but with the promise (either literal or implied) of more to come, were first popularized in the serials of the 1920s and 30s, and were often accompanied by the text “To be continued.” While the cliffhanger has gone on to be widely used in serialized […]

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15 minute read