Terminator Genisys

Movie Reboots That Failed To Breathe New Life Into A Franchise Movies

Movie Reboots That Failed To Breathe New Life Into A Franchise

Whether they’ve run out of ideas or are just trying to give audiences more of the things they love, Hollywood has been in the midst of a franchise remake epidemic that doesn’t show any signs of letting up. These films aren’t just trying to make a better or more modern version of an older movie; […]

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Terminator: Dark Fate – New Footage & More Revealed During San Diego Comic-Con 2019 Movies

Terminator: Dark Fate – New Footage & More Revealed During San Diego Comic-Con 2019

The Terminator franchise has seen it’s ups and downs, but after 35 long years, director and series creator James Cameron is back, having reclaimed the rights to his beloved science fiction series at the beginning of 2019. Last night a Terminator: Dark Fate featurette was revealed at the Hall H panel during San Diego Comic-Con […]

Read More about Terminator: Dark Fate – New Footage & More Revealed During San Diego Comic-Con 2019

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