Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Unexpected Movie Cliffhangers That Left Us Hanging Movies

Unexpected Movie Cliffhangers That Left Us Hanging

Cliffhanger endings, in which a story concludes without a true resolution but with the promise (either literal or implied) of more to come, were first popularized in the serials of the 1920s and 30s, and were often accompanied by the text “To be continued.” While the cliffhanger has gone on to be widely used in serialized […]

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Cameos You Probably Didn’t Notice in ‘Star Wars’ Movies

Cameos You Probably Didn’t Notice in ‘Star Wars’

Although Star Wars will take a hiatus from the big screen after The Rise of Skywalker, that hasn’t slowed down the amount of content being produced for the prolific sci-fi franchise. As proven with The Mandalorian, Disney+ opens the door for more serialized Star Wars content. With more content being produced, more and more actors […]

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12 minute read