Minority Report

Times Science Fiction Movies Accurately Predicted Future Technology Movies

Times Science Fiction Movies Accurately Predicted Future Technology

Considering 2020 marks the 35th anniversary of Back to the Future, people love to dissect what futuristic technology the movie got right and what has yet to come true. While we don’t ride on hoverboards or own self-tying sneakers, the franchise got a few things right, such as the growing use of holograms and wearable […]

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5 minute read

Lesser Known Facts About “Ghostbusters” Movies

Lesser Known Facts About “Ghostbusters”

35 years ago, Ivan Reitman’s iconic fantasy comedy Ghostbusters, made its debut in theatres. Released on June 5, 1984, Ghostbusters, starring Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Harold Ramis, and Rick Moranis, became an instant success, grossing over $295 million worldwide, making it the highest-grossing comedy of its time. Since then, the Ghostbusters franchise has […]

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11 minute read

Sci-Fi Movies That Are Actually Scientifically Accurate Movies

Sci-Fi Movies That Are Actually Scientifically Accurate

The term “science fiction” gives writers an outlet to break the rules a bit and tell stories that revolve around scientific theories and concerns without necessarily having to worry about accuracy. Indeed, there have been many sci-fi movies that totally ignore how science works (we’ve even compiled a list of the worst offenders), which is fine […]

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9 minute read

Best Science Fiction Films Released Since ‘The Matrix’ Movies

Best Science Fiction Films Released Since ‘The Matrix’

The 1999 release of The Matrix marked a pivotal point for modern sci-fi filmmaking. What was once a niche genre reserved for science fiction fans alone has become a major part of mainstream pop culture. Sci-fi action films in the Star Wars, Star Trek, and Marvel cinematic universes represent some of the highest-grossing films ever made. […]

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12 minute read