Jurassic World

Chris Pratt Gives A Musical Tour Of His Office Movies

Chris Pratt Gives A Musical Tour Of His Office

Yesterday evening, Chris Pratt shared an entertaining video of himself giving fans a musical tour of his office, stopping at various items and movie posters along the way. Although that might not sound overly interesting, we’d like to point out that he jokily sings the entire way and says things like, “Dude, why would you […]

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2 minute read

The 12 Worst Scientists From Movies And TV Movies

The 12 Worst Scientists From Movies And TV

Being both a science geek and a movie buff can be exhausting. It can make it almost impossible to sit through certain films without exclaiming things like “those human batteries aren’t obeying the law of energy conservation!” or “that’s not how gravity assisted acceleration works!” Yes, it’s pedantic, and probably extremely annoying for your fellow […]

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8 minute read