Citizen Kane

Movies That Every Film Buff Should Watch Movies

Movies That Every Film Buff Should Watch

If the rising popularity of film degrees is any indication, audiences today are more film literate than ever before. However, just like students of literature and fine art need to become knowledgable of classic masterpieces in order to further their understanding and properly critique new works, so too must film students become enlightened by the most […]

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9 minute read

12 Movie Plot Holes That Weren’t Really Plot Holes At All Movies

12 Movie Plot Holes That Weren’t Really Plot Holes At All

For internet movie geeks, a plot hole is the gravest of sins. Solid acting and great special effects can be forgotten in an instant if the writers or director accidently leaves a major hole in the story. While fans will gladly suspend their belief, in reality, a little bit to watch an epic sci-fi, fantasy, […]

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12 minute read