Blade Runner 2049

Major Box Office Disappointments of the Decade, Ranked Movies

Major Box Office Disappointments of the Decade, Ranked

The 2010s will go down as the decade when international markets became the biggest driver of Hollywood box office revenue. In fact, China’s box office is expected to surpass the US in 2020. While international markets can provide a second shot for films that struggle domestically, there are no guarantees when it comes to commercial […]

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8 minute read

Sci-Fi Movies That Are Actually Scientifically Accurate Movies

Sci-Fi Movies That Are Actually Scientifically Accurate

The term “science fiction” gives writers an outlet to break the rules a bit and tell stories that revolve around scientific theories and concerns without necessarily having to worry about accuracy. Indeed, there have been many sci-fi movies that totally ignore how science works (we’ve even compiled a list of the worst offenders), which is fine […]

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