Karen Gillan Reveals “Guardians of the Galaxy 3” Script Is Complete… And “It’s Amazing”

2 minute read

By Riley Jones (@moviemanjones)

During a recent sit down with Yahoo Entertainment, Karen Gillan, who is set to reprise her role as Ruby Roundhouse in Jumanji: The Next Level on December 4th, revealed that not only is the script for Guardian of the Galaxy 3 complete, she’s also had a chance to read it and in her opinion, “it’s wonderful.” 

Here’s what the up-and-coming actress had to say about the third film and James Gunn being back.

“I can say that I’ve read it and it’s amazing,” Gillan teased. “We’re all really excited that James is back to complete the trilogy because it wouldn’t have felt right without him. It’s a wonderful, wonderful script.”

Thus far, news surrounding the film has been pretty tight-lipped, but based on how Avengers: Endgame left off, we have a feeling everyone from the team, outside of maybe Gamora, is likely to return. Do we think Gunn will make the third Guardian without Gamora? No, but it’s always a possibility, especially with Thor and Nebula joining the ragtag group of heroes.

Source: Screenshot via Disney

Now that we know the script for the third Guardians movie is complete, which new villain or hero would you like to see included? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Yahoo Entertainment

Riley Jones (@moviemanjones)


Riley is the Managing Editor of Goliath. When he's not at the movie theatre or binging some new tv series, he likes to spend his time shooting hoops and play MTG. He doesn't like 'Breaking Bad,' loves 'The Simpsons,' hates mayonnaise, and has been repping the Toronto Raptors since '95. Follow him on IG and Twitter @moviemanjones.