James Marsden Offers His Advice To Marvel’s Future Cyclops

2 minute read

By Riley Jones (@moviemanjones)

James Marsden knows a thing or two about playing a superhero and we couldn’t agree more with his advice to the next in line.

During a recent interview with Collider to promote the upcoming release of Sonic the Hedgehog – which arrives on February 14th – Marsden was asked if he had any words of wisdom for the MCU’s future Cyclops and having played eye-blasting mutant in four films between 2000-2014, the actor’s response couldn’t have been more on the nose.

“The biggest challenge was that, the audience and other actors never being able to see your eyes. Definitely was a handicap in bringing a persona to the character, and an energy to the character. To a character who is also very, by nature, very by-the-books. Kind of a Boy Scout, ‘do the right thing.’ He’s a foil to Wolverine’s character, who is more fly by the seat of his pants, a little more unpredictable, and aggressive.”

Source: Screenshot via 20th Century Fox

“I would just say lean into it. Own it. And carve out your own thing. The fans of the books are going to tell you ‘it needs to be this’. Find a new way to make it interesting. Because it is tough to like get something interesting and cool and different across when no one ever sees your eyes. Which is obviously, you know, the main part of the character.”

Who do you think Marvel Studios should consider for the role of Scott Summers/Cyclops when the time comes? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Collider

Riley Jones (@moviemanjones)


Riley is the Managing Editor of Goliath. When he's not at the movie theatre or binging some new tv series, he likes to spend his time shooting hoops and play MTG. He doesn't like 'Breaking Bad,' loves 'The Simpsons,' hates mayonnaise, and has been repping the Toronto Raptors since '95. Follow him on IG and Twitter @moviemanjones.