Amy Adams Believes The DCEU Is Moving Away From Henry Cavill’s Superman’

2 minute read

By Riley Jones (@moviemanjones)

Everyone and their mother would prefer Henry Cavill to continue playing Superman, unfortunately, Amy Adams believes the DCEU has moved on.

While speaking with Empire Magazine (via Fandom), the Oscar-nominated actress revealed that she’d be more than happy to play Lois Lane in the DCEU in the future, but has reason to believe Warner Bros. has other plans, saying “I think [the studio is] moving in a different direction, from my understanding.”

Speculation surrounding whether or not Cavill will portray the Man of Steel in the future has been going on since Justice League was released back in 2017. As much as we’d prefer for Cavill to remain with the DCEU, as the years pass, the chances of a younger actor landing the role seem more likely, especially now that Cavill is playing the lead role in Netflix’s Witcher series. Recently, the actor was linked to a significant role in the MCU, but thus far, nothing has been confirmed by either side.

What are you’re thoughts on Adams saying the DCEU has moved on? Do you think Cavill will respond in the coming days? Let us know in the comments below.

Riley Jones (@moviemanjones)


Riley is the Managing Editor of Goliath. When he's not at the movie theatre or binging some new tv series, he likes to spend his time shooting hoops and play MTG. He doesn't like 'Breaking Bad,' loves 'The Simpsons,' hates mayonnaise, and has been repping the Toronto Raptors since '95. Follow him on IG and Twitter @moviemanjones.